13 September 2009

20 Program Virus Paling Ganas

virus of vicious kind

kaspersky security network (ksn) spread two lists top 20 wicked programs for january period 2009. detail full first list from wicked program, advertisement and program" intruder" another deteksi in computer. while second list displays wicked programs data usually assault object at user computer.

program wicked that reside in sequence top virus. win32. sality. aa, menjadi sality as family very dangerous and scattered widely.

there is no change means in list composition top 20 this first during kalends year 2009.
sedikit change that exploit. js. agent. aak take trojan place. html. agent. ai and trojan-downloader. js. agent. czm that enter in december month rank. meanwhile, worm. win32. autorun. vnq take over position worm autorun. eee.
according to total, found 46.014 wicked programs, advertisement and potential program deteksi in user computer in january.

next wicked programs complete list:

virus. win32. sality. aa'

packed. win32. krap. b

worm. win32. autorun. dui

trojan-downloader. win32. vb. eql

trojan. win32. autoit. ci

trojan-downloader. wma. getcodec. c

packed. win32. black. a

virus. win32. alman. b

trojan. win32. obfuscated. gen

trojan-downloader. wma. getcodec. r

exploit. js. agent. aak

worm. win32. mabezat. b

worm. win32. autoit. ar

email-worm. win32. brontok. q

virus. win32. sality. z

net-worm. win32. kido. ih

trojan-downloader. wma. wimad. n

virus. win32. vb. bu

trojan. win32. agent. abt

worm. win32. autorun. vnq

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